The Lindeboom Award

As one of the founding members of Experimentation Heroes, Gerard Lindeboom has made significant contributions. From the outset, Gerard has worked tirelessly to uphold the high standards of our group. That’s why we annually present the Lindeboom Award to an non-nominated entrant showing considerable potential.

About the Award

At Experimentation Heroes, we celebrate the standout figures in our field. However, not all heroes are immediately recognizable as such, yet their potential can be clearly discerned. Therefore, we bestow the Lindeboom  Award upon an non-nominated entrant who has distinguished themselves in a noteworthy manner. This may be in a specific area, such as outstanding ideation, robust hypothesis formulation, strong statistical grounding, well-crafted experimental design, or innovative research application. We offer this award as an incentive for promising submissions, with all entries automatically considered for eligibility.