
Registration for DDMA Experimentation Heroes is Now Open

21 May 2024

On Thursday, November 7, the most outstanding work in experimentation and optimization will be celebrated at DDMA Experimentation Heroes 2024. From today, ambitious experimentation specialists can submit their cases across three categories: Conversion, Experimentation Culture, and the new Beyond Web category. Additionally, the Lindeboom Award will recognize an exceptional entry with significant future potential, even if not nominated. The registration deadline is September 20. Submit your case at:

DDMA Experimentation Heroes: The Program

The DDMA Experimentation Heroes program is divided into three rooms, each focusing on a specific theme. Attendees can now select the case study that aligns best with their interests for a deeper dive. The event will be conducted entirely in English. Tickets are now available for purchase at:

New Category: Beyond Web

The DDMA Experimentation & Optimization Committee, creators of Experimentation Heroes, have meticulously reviewed the categories this year. The Omnichannel category has evolved into “Beyond Web”, retaining its core focus on optimizing a broad funnel both towards and within a website. The judging criteria include Open Rate, Return On Advertising Spend (ROAS), Click to Open Rate (COTR), Foot Traffic, as well as themes such as offline/online integration and channel experiments. Beyond Web emphasizes experiments extending beyond digital platforms. Consider experiments spanning from billboards to landing pages and vice versa. Moreover, the effectiveness of creative expressions and media types utilized for success are crucial considerations.

The Jury and Previous Winners

This year’s DDMA Experimentation Heroes jury comprises four industry experts: Lucia van de Brink (Increase Conversion, Cameron van Uytrecht (Insight ProdX), Jorden Lentze (, and Arnout van Scherpenzeel (The Sharing Group). The jury will evaluate all phases of the optimization process in submitted cases, from initial situations and hypotheses to actual testing and achieved results. Last year’s winners included PostNL (Conversion), TomTom (Experimentation Culture), and DELTA Fiber (Omnichannel).