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To have a shot at becoming an Experimentation Hero, it’s crucial to submit the case under the right category. There are three distinct categories in total. Choosing the most fitting category for the case largely depends on the scope of your case.

Decided on a category? Then you’re ready to submit a case.

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The three categories


This traditional and more comprehensive category focuses on optimising the customer journey on websites and applications. Although the ultimate goal is to increase conversion or revenue per visit, this category is not limited to that aspect alone. We evaluate the overall quality of the experiment (or series of experiments) and also look at other KPI’s that improve customer journeys. Such as:

  • Improved customer attitude or reduced effort
  • Improved sustainability: How do the experiments contribute to a more sustainable world?
  • B2B: What results were achieved in the dialogue with B2B communication?
  • Segmentation/Personalisation: How did you target and experiment with specific audience segments?
  • Copy: What surprising results were achieved through innovative textual strategies in the dialogue?

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Beyond Web

This category primarily focuses on experiments that aim to optimise beyond the scope of websites and apps. Such as experiments conducted in campaigns, offline, in store, direct mail, email etc.

Experiments in this category are expected to focus on Open Rate, Return On Advertising Spend (ROAS), Click to Open Rate (COTR), Foot Traffic.

Underlying themes that we distinguish are:

  • Online/Offline: Experiments conducted either online, offline, or in a combination of both. Consider billboard campaigns that drive traffic to a landing page; testing direct mailings to determine which post mailing yields higher conversions; or experimenting with store layouts to boost sales or increase foot traffic.
  • Creative/Mediachannel experiments: Utilizing creative expression and/or specific media channels to achieve successful conversions, with a central emphasis on measuring the effectiveness of these experiments.

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Experimentation Culture

A successful experiment on its own is great, but it becomes even more significant when it is part of a sustainable bigger picture. We welcome these kinds of cases because we want industry peers to learn from the growth that companies are experiencing in the field of experimentation culture. The underlying themes that we distinguish are:

  • What actions did you take to enhance the quantity or quality of experiments in your organization?
  • What steps did you take to bolster support for experimentation within your organisation?
  • Did you conduct experiments aimed at cultivating a culture of experimentation within your organisation?
  • Biggest Organisational Impact: How did your experimentation program produce a result that influenced the organisation? This can include external factors such as phasing out/starting up a product/service or entering new markets, as well as internal factors such as process optimisation and/or organisational change.
  • Best Stakeholder Business Case: How did an experiment (or series of experiments) contribute to convincing internal stakeholders? This includes securing budgets and creating buy-in within the management of your organisation.

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Lindeboom Hero Award

As one of the founding members of Experimentation Heroes, Gerard Lindeboom has made significant contributions. From the outset, Gerard has worked tirelessly to uphold the high standards of our group. That’s why we annually present the Gerard Lindeboom Award to an non-nominated entrant showing considerable potential.

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